John and Hattie Ziegler on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. John (PaPa) was easy going, never got in a rush, never had a lot to say. I just realized this describes my daughter!
He had a stroke and had to walk with a walker for years. Most of my memories of him are of him with the walker. He was extremely hard of hearing and so was Granny. It was funny at times watching them try to talk to each other.
He loved to watch baseball on TV, back then you didn't get to see all of the games. I guess once or twice a week. If baseball was on then PaPa was watching. He knew the players and kept up with his team, the Braves, in the newspaper.
I remember he would pinch you when you went through the room, not being mean just his way of playing with the grand kids. It was a game to see if you could get through without him getting you.
Granny was a fabulous cook, good country cooking. I loved to cook with her. She would find new recipes for us to try each week. When we would finish the entire kitchen would be a mess! She would be tired by the time we finished and would say you can clean up. She made biscuits the day before she died. She couldn't stand long (knee problems) so she sat on a stool and cooked. In fact she had two, one by the stove and one by the sink.
I remember Granny had a small wood burning stove that you could cook on. She had an electric stove she just got it for fun. In the winter she would cook on this stove, plus help heat the house.
They always took it down in the summer to have more room in the kitchen. It was stored in the garage. One summer day PaPa put the car in the garage and drove right into the stove! This was around the time he stopped driving.