Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It's hard to get pictures of a black cat! Most of the time Starsky will close his eyes when the flash goes off.
These are pretty good.


Linda Hughes Hiser said...

They are VERY good. I have a black cat and there are few photos that are decent. BTW...our Christie turns 20 around Halloween.

Harriet said...

Wow! 20 years old that is great.We adopted Starsky in June of this year. He is 6 years old and the sweetest cat! We also adopted a kitten Bentley who keeps Starsky active! We had two other cats for about 8 years, one died Aug. 2009 kidney disease and the other in March 2010 of cancer. It was very sad and we missed them and ended up adopting in June.

Greta Koehl said...

Aw, he's a sweetie!