Today's post is a picture of my Grandmother and Grandfather Kelley and my Dad's oldest sister Bonnie. Bonnie was born Jan. 25, 1916. This picture was probably taken in 1916. We have very few pictures of my Grandfather (Edgar Elijah Kelley) he died Feb.22,1929 at the age of 45. How sad to die with six children ages 13 years to 2 months. My Grandmother Fay Newby Kelley died July 4, 1984, she would have been 92 on Aug. 10,1984. My Aunt Bonnie died Jan. 2005, she was almost 89. She was older than any of the children at the time of their death.
I know many times we don't want our picture made but what a treasure pictures are to future generations. Each picture we find of Edgar Kelley is special because there are so few and most of his kids did not even remember him or remembered very little about their Dad.
Look at the handbag my Grandmother has! It looks like it hooks to the waist of her skirt. I've never seen one like that.