Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who is this Lady?

This is one of the pictures which I inherited from my Aunt. I wish that we knew who this lady was but there is no name on the back. I haven't found any others that resemble her. Unless someone in the family knows her we may never find out who she is. Most of the family pictures were of the Newby family but she could be from the Long family or the Kelley family.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Did you ever find out who this is???? I have LOTS of pictures like that---of people I have no idea who they are...


Harriet said...

I have not found out who this is. This was one of the pictures from my Aunt's estate.There are more that have no name and some with names but don't know who they are.
I'll post them as I get them scanned.